홈페이지를 만드는 사람들을 위한 안내서


조회 수 675 추천 수 0 2020.03.04 13:56:54
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위키 문법

# Heading 1 #
## Heading 2 ##
### Heading 3 ##############

*italic*, **bold**
escape \*

- Use a minus sign for a bullet list
+ Or plus sign
* Or an asterisk
1. Numbered lists are easy
2. Markdown keeps track of the numbers for you
7. So this will be item 3.

   Add description: [Page description](http://site/page)
   Link to pages in the same wiki: [Page description](page_alias)
Smart links:
   Add a name or id to your link: [Here's a nice link][1]
   And then detail it in the page footer for clarity: [1]: www.google.com

![Image description](url_to_image)

Line breaks
- Add an empty line
- Add two spaces the end of a line

For more help, take a look at:
