[일상톡] Figma - closing the tab won't lose your changes, but you'll have to reconnect to sync the changes.
2022.01.11 05:37
object(HotopayModel)#807 (23) { ["error"]=> int(0) ["message"]=> string(7) "success" ["variables"]=> array(0) { } ["httpStatusCode"]=> int(200) ["module"]=> string(7) "hotopay" ["module_info"]=> NULL ["origin_module_info"]=> NULL ["module_config"]=> NULL ["module_path"]=> string(52) "/home/eond/web/eond.com/public_html/modules/hotopay/" ["xml_info"]=> NULL ["module_srl"]=> NULL ["mid"]=> NULL ["act"]=> NULL ["template_path"]=> NULL ["template_file"]=> NULL ["layout_path"]=> NULL ["layout_file"]=> NULL ["edited_layout_file"]=> NULL ["stop_proc"]=> bool(false) ["user"]=> object(Rhymix\Framework\Helpers\SessionHelper)#806 (20) { ["member_srl"]=> int(0) ["user_id"]=> NULL ["user_name"]=> NULL ["nick_name"]=> NULL ["email_address"]=> NULL ["phone_number"]=> NULL ["homepage"]=> NULL ["blog"]=> NULL ["birthday"]=> NULL ["denied"]=> NULL ["status"]=> NULL ["is_admin"]=> string(1) "N" ["is_site_admin"]=> NULL ["profile_image"]=> NULL ["image_name"]=> NULL ["image_mark"]=> NULL ["signature"]=> NULL ["description"]=> NULL ["group_list"]=> array(0) { } ["menu_list"]=> array(0) { } } ["request"]=> object(Rhymix\Framework\Request)#10 (13) { ["method"]=> string(3) "GET" ["compat_method"]=> string(3) "GET" ["url"]=> string(30) "designforum/443436/page/465329" ["hostname"]=> string(8) "eond.com" ["domain"]=> NULL ["protocol"]=> string(5) "https" ["callback_function"]=> string(0) "" ["_route_status":protected]=> int(200) ["_route_options":protected]=> object(stdClass)#11 (5) { ["cache_control"]=> bool(true) ["check_csrf"]=> bool(true) ["is_forwarded"]=> bool(false) ["is_indexable"]=> bool(true) ["enable_session"]=> bool(true) } ["module"]=> string(5) "board" ["mid"]=> string(11) "designforum" ["act"]=> string(16) "dispBoardContent" ["args"]=> array(4) { ["document_srl"]=> string(6) "443436" ["page"]=> int(465329) ["mid"]=> string(11) "designforum" ["act"]=> string(16) "dispBoardContent" } } ["ajaxRequestMethod"]=> array(2) { [0]=> string(6) "XMLRPC" [1]=> string(4) "JSON" } ["gzhandler_enable"]=> bool(true) }

closing the tab won't lose your changes, but you'll have to reconnect to sync the changes.

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