CMS솔루션마켓, 이온디 - 워드프레스, 라이믹스, 카페24, 그누보드, 엑셀

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scss min option

2020년 03월 03일

PhpStorm scss file watcher

If you’re running unix based system like ubuntu or mac, first install globally

npm install node-sass -g

With this command you’ll get full path of node-sass package

which node-sass

which you need to put into Program field, usually it will be:


In Arguments if you just want to transpile, simple put:

$FileName$ --output-style compressed $FileDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css

If you want to transpile and compress, also using min postfix in file name, try this:
$FileName$ --output-style compressed $FileDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css

For generating map file use --source-map true
$FileName$ --source-map true --output-style compressed $FileDir$/$FileNameWithoutExtension$.min.css

For more options please check this

Leave the rest of the settings as they are.

Now once you save any .scss file, it should be automatically transpile into the same folder.설치기본세팅